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HKACT! Act 10: Daedalus Drones (Ken Ueno, Osage Foundation, New Vision Arts Festival)

  • Asia Society Hong Kong Hong Kong (map)

Daedalus: inventor and architect in Greek mythology who broke through barriers.

Apart from baths to dance floors, masts and sails, Daedalus also built a labyrinth for King Minos of Crete to entrap the Minotaur. When Daedalus found himself imprisoned in his own labyrinth, he used feathers and wax to craft a pair of wings and took flight.

In today’s technologically advanced world, flying is no longer a pipe dream. The Asia Society Hong Kong Center is transformed into a labyrinth, as maverick composer Ken Ueno recasts physical gestures into sounds, inventing his own vocal technique amplified through a megaphone, with drones and movable speakers in the role of a dance corps along with a chorus of sound artists and percussionists creating a unique “Sounding Architecture”. Together they comment on our complex, labyrinthine relationship with technology.