Interwoven Threads–The Up:Strike Project Launch Concert
The Up:Strike Project首演音樂會 "Interwoven Threads"
🗓 2nd December, 2018 (SUN日) @8pm
📍 Y-Studio Youth Square 青年廣場
🎫 $140
(門票於11月2日起於城巿售票網公開發售 Tickets are available from URBTIX's box offices from 2 November 2018 onwards)
Supported by 香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC)
Program 曲目
-Volume for 2 Percussion by Missy Mazzoli 蜜西 • 馬佐莉《集》敲擊二重奏
-Unchained Melody by David Lang 大衛 • 朗 《隨意律》
-Mallet Quartet by Steve Reich 史蒂夫 • 萊許 《鍵琴四重奏》雙馬林巴琴及雙顫片琴
-Threads for Percussion Quartet by Paul Lansky 保羅 • 蘭斯基 《縷》敲擊四重奏
The Up:Strike Project
The Up:Strike Project aims to embody the nature of the integral movement in percussion: “up and strike.” Founded by two Hong Kong-based percussionists, Dr. Matthew Lau and Karen Yu, The Up:Strike Project is a diverse and flexible group, aiming to thread the community together by welcoming all levels of percussionists and musicians, and consistently engaging different young and emerging percussionists to work with us. By bringing professional and emerging percussionists together, presenting and championing a diverse mix of percussion music, and supporting the future leaders of percussive arts, The Up:Strike Project endeavors to strike and stand out as the pioneer of the ever-changing art form in percussion and contemporary music.
The co-founders of The Up:Strike Project are prominent percussionists who are actively involved in the percussion scene in Asia and North America, with additional appearances in Australia, Europe, and Latin America. Dr. Matthew Lau is one of the most prominent percussionist in Hong Kong who performs a wide range of repertoire with absolute commitment to communicating the meaning and essence of percussion music to audiences. As a percussionist, performing artist and interdisciplinary arts researcher, co-founder Karen Yu believes that music is beyond pleasure for our ears and she is keen on exploring the possibilities of combining sonic and performing arts. The co-founders have most recently performed in the Transplanted Roots Percussion Research Symposiums, Aspen Music Festival, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, IRCAM Manifeste Academy and Bang On A Can Marathon Concert.
Devoted to bring changes to the percussion community by elevating the artistry, The Up:Strike Project seeks to broadening the range of performed repertoire, and enlarging the audience circle through reducing the distance between the society and us.
Up:Strike的兩位創辦人活躍於亞洲和北美的敲擊樂界,間中亦會亮相於澳洲、歐洲和拉丁美洲的舞台。劉語博士在香港敲擊樂界頗具名氣,他演出的樂曲類型廣泛,力求將樂曲的意義和精髓一絲不苟地呈現於觀眾眼前。余林橞集敲擊樂手、表演藝術者及跨域藝術研究者於一身,她認為音樂不只局限於聽覺的享受,為此,她醉心於發掘音樂與表演藝術融為一體的可能。劉氏和余氏近期遠赴Transplanted Roots Percussion Research Symposiums、Aspen Music Festival、Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity、IRCAM Manifeste Academy和Bang On A Can Marathon Concert演出。
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Later Event: January 6
空中集氣 Intersection in midair - Concert 聲音演出