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)))))) 空中聲響迴旋震盪,聆聽探索奇幻旅程。((((((
whirling in mid air, fantasy in ear.
A Sound Performance from 11 Musicians and Artists
參與音樂人與藝術家 :
Participating Musicians and Artists:
陳濬人 Adonian Chan ( 結他 | Guitar )
ASJ ( 電子 | Electronics)
錢璟 Chin King ( 古箏|Guzheng)
鈴木英倫子 Suzuki Elico (預置鋼琴,現成物|Prepared Piano, Objects)
李穎姍 Fiona Lee (電子,聲音物件 |Electronics, Sound Objects)
馮俊彥 Jasper Fung (擴音機, 電子| Loudspeakers, Electronics)
余林橞 Karen Yu (敲擊,自製樂器|Percussion, Self-made instruments)
上野健 Ken Ueno ( 人聲|Voice )
Shane Aspegren (鼓,電子| Drumset & Electronics )
大城真 Makoto Oshiro (自製電子樂器 | Self-made Electronics instruments)
許敖山 Steve Ɲerve( 電子 | Electronics)
音響設計 Sound System Design:
謝孝忠 Jay Tse
燈光設計 Lighting Design:
AriesFlare Studio
日期 Date: 5.1.2019
時間 Time:晚上19:30至 21:00
地點 Venue:香港兆基創意書院多媒體劇場
Multi-media Theatre, Hong Kong Sau Kee School of Creativity
########## #只此一場!100位,先到先得 #########
###### 100 tickets only! Get your tickets now! ########
*搶票呢邊*Grab your tickets here~
實體票💳💳SOLD OUT!!!
正價門票 Regular Entry :
$220(putyouself.in 預售+$9手續費) | $260(即場)
全日制學生門票 Full-time Student Entry :
$180(putyouself.in 預售+手續費 Charge: $8)
60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人門票 Senior citizens aged 60 or above, People with disabilities and the minder Entry
$180 (putyouself.in 預售+手續費 Charge: $8)
《空中集氣》由聲音藝術家 李穎姍Fiona Lee 發起, 邀請不同演奏媒介的藝術家與音樂人參與。演出者們的修習極度多元化,但皆具實驗精神,包括數字搖滾樂隊 tfvsjs 結他手 陳濬人 、著名古箏演奏家 錢璟 、香港電子實驗音樂巨頭 許敖山 、以打造迷幻節奏見稱的樂隊 Blood Wine or Honey 鼓手 Shane Aspegren 、以手提擴音器演唱樂聲的 上野健 、擅長創作剛柔並重之電子音樂的 ASJ 、熱衷當代音樂並醉心自製敲擊樂器的 Karen Yu 、 研究及實踐演奏另類揚聲器的 Jasper Fung 。連同來自日本的即興預置鋼琴家 鈴木英倫子 與聲音藝術家 大城真 共同演出 ,兩者皆以自製電子樂器為主,揉合光影及動力裝置,開闊手邊現成物在聲音上的可塑性。
Intersection In Mid Air is a music experimenting ground which spans across different fields. It seeks to gather and group performers into various combinations for a series of impromptu. Beyond the rooted expression from each, this occasion poses an unfamiliar situation for all to listen, to learn, and more crucially, to collaborate and push the boundary in sound making experimentations and performances. Positioned around the entire hall, the performers will take themselves on upholding one’s sensitivity while active listening to sculpt an interacting multi-layered listening experience, and expand the room for interpretation and vocabularies of music/sound as a whole.
Initiated by sound artist Fiona Lee, Intersection In MidAir invites artists and musicians from diversified background to participate. The participating performers cover a spectrum of musical practices which highlights the dynamic signatures in each genre without losing its experimatality. Participating artists and musicians includes Adonian Chan, guitarist from math-rock band tfvsjs, Chin King, renowned Guzheng player; Steve Ɲerve, Hong Kong’s leading experimental musician; Shane Aspegren, drummer from the electro-psychedelia band Blood Wine or Honey; Ken Ueno, vocalist/improviser/sound artist renowned for his extended techniques in the use of human voice; ASJ, electronic musician who engages with various rhythms and beats; Karen Yu, dedicated musician in contemporary music and self-made instruments; Jasper Fung, sound artist specialized in the alternative uses of loudspeaker; Japanese “prepared piano” improviser Suzuki Elico and sound artist Makoto Oshiro, both of whom specialized in self-made electronic musical instruments.
Together with the unique practices and approaches in sound making from each performer, the group looks forward to fuse a variety of sound and mechanical devices with the light and shadow to bring forth and inspire the musical flexibility in the everyday objects that surround us.
**The performance runs approximately 90 minutes without intermission. Please be punctual. **
網上門票現於 putyourself.in 發售
Tickets are also available online at putyourself.in
查詢Enquiry: iimsound.info@gmail.com
計劃發起人 Project Initiator
李穎姍 Fiona Lee
票務 Ticketing:
Program Supported by Art Development Coucil
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