A dialogue between life and death, Charles Kwong’s Requiem is a fictional rite of passage for the dead and the living, with text by writer and storyteller Yuen Che Hung and performances featuring local musicians. Transforming Tai Kwun into a transitional place between the existence and the transcendence, the work ventures into our inner worlds manifested through funeral ceremonies as we face mortality.
"Requiem" is commissioned by Tai Kwun Contemporary and produced by PROJECT21st. The work consists of videos and live performances that take place from November 2020 to March 2021 in 5 parts.
II. 垂憐經 Kyrie
22.11.2020 (日 Sun)
大館當代美術館 Tai Kwun Contemporary
免費入場 Free Admission
概念及作曲 Concept and Music
鄺展維 Charles Kwong
文本及演述 Text and Narration
阮志雄 Yuen Che Hung
小號 Trumpet
王仲楊 Edwin Wong
圓號 Horn
周肇軒 Wilson Chau
薩克斯管 Saxophone
吳漢紳 Charles Ng
敲擊 Percussion
何怡安 Ho Yi On、余林橞 Karen Yu