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桑莉吟 Somnium by Nerve

  • Multimedia Theatre & Gallery, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (map)

As musician / performer

裝置 | 歌劇 | 迷睡 Installation | Opera | Trance


取材自科幻小說始祖、十七世紀寫成的拉丁文原著《Somnium》(解作:夢)。天文學家 Johannes Kepler 以夢為媒,讓精靈引領,來自過去的少年與母親神遊月球。他召喚風的聲音,穿梭時間之河,抵達現在,為面前一對匆促離家避禍的父女引路登月,觀光可能的未來。遠走或留低,未知或安逸,大放光明或黯然無明⋯⋯他們的選擇,座落在月球哪一面?

跨界藝術家 Nerve 與編劇廖端麗解碼魔幻暗號,駕乘十七世紀的夢闖入當下,運算出六種視角的歌劇影像裝置。觀眾自由遊走於明與暗、現在與未來、現實與夢境、去與留「之間」。既在遙遙觀月,同時全身投入進媒體藝術家黃智銓築構的造夢裝置境地,與 Nerve、簡僖進及劉銘鏗形塑的聲景與光影的環抱下,在迷睡之間,與夢之精靈交換密語。

A voyage to the moon or possible future by the Dreamachine

A whimsical study of time and space based on the precursor of science fiction, Somnium, written in Latin during the 17th century by astronomer Johannes Kepler. Using dreams as a medium, the author portrays a mystic journey to the moon of a daemon-guided boy from the past with his mother. Calling upon the voice of the wind and navigating unceasingly to reach the present, the reinterpreted protagonist now leads a father and daughter who evaded danger from home for a possible future in the moon. To flee or to stay, dwelling in peril or seeking comfort, a quest for brightness or a lull in the dark, dilemmas alike emerged. Which side of the moon would their choices land on?

Cross-discipline artist Nerve and librettist Diana Liao collaborate to decode the cryptic discourse and ride the dreams of the 17th century into this moment, collocating an operatic-visual installation with six perspectives. Participants are set free to move “between” light and darkness, present and future, reality and dream, going and staying. Gazing the moon from afar, they will be fully immersed in the dream-making installation constructed by media artist Kenny Wong, suffused with the sound and light sculpted by Nerve, AK Kan and Ming-hang Lau, to exchange personal tales with the elves and fairies of the dream.